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7.Press the upload button on the bottom of the formula table.

8.Select the file and press “add”.

4.Click file sharing on the left hand side bar. (as shown below)

5.Select Function Calculator ++ in App.

6.Click the add file button on the bottom right to select a file.

It is possible to load formulas made on external devices such as computers.

(Creating formula files)

Create the formula in a text editor application. The format should be as below.

Formula name 1;Formula 1

Formula name 2;Formula 2

Formula name 3;Formula 3


Enter the formula name, followed by a semi colon and then the formula itself. Enter the next formula on a new line. The app will automatically recognize the formulas being on different lines.

Please use UTF-8 text.

You can use Chinese characters in the formula name.

For the formula, you can use only letters, numbers, brackets (), mathematical signs × * ÷ / + - ^ % ! and fixed numbers π е.

For √(), sqrt() and for ∛(), cbrt() can also be used.

File name is optional.

(Example of a formula file)

Area of a circle;S=π÷4×D^2

Circumference of a circle;L=π×D

Volume of a sphere;V=π÷6×D^3

(About special characters)

Special characters other than ASCII may be used. But be careful, as only the base natural logarithm e can be used. Letters other than е will be rendered as regular letters.

Multiplication ×:code U+00D7 

Division ÷:code U+00F7

Roots √:code U+221A

Cube root  ∛:code U+221B

Ratio of circumference of a circle to its diameter π:U+03C0(Greek π)
Base natural logarithm е:U+0435 (For convenience, the cyrillic letter e is used)

(How to load files)

1.Connect your device to a computer

2.Open iTunes

3.Click on your device in iTunes (as shown below)

□ Downloading formulas
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